
(2018.10.18 9:30am N205)Jerome Hoffman:QUATERNION RATIONAL SURFACES

Time:2018-10-10  Source:KLMM


Speaker           Jerome Hoffman (Department of Mathematics, Louisiana State University)

Time&Venue   2018.10.18  9:30am  N205

Abstract:         A quaternion rational surface is a rational surface generated by two rational space curves via quaternion multiplication. In general, the structure of the graded minimal free resolution of a rational surface is unknown. The goal of this paper is to construct the graded minimal free resolution of a quaternion rational surface generated by two rational space curves. We will provide the explicit formulas for the maps of these graded minimal free resolutions. The approach we take is to utilize the information of the -bases of the generating rational curves, and create the generating sets for the rst and second syzygy modules in the graded minimal free resolutions. In addition, we show that the ideal generated by the rst syzygy module expressed in terms of moving planes is exactly the same as the ideal generated by the parametrization in the the ane ring.
