(2021.12.07 10:00-11:00)Tsakiris Manolis:Resolution of the Product Ideal of a Subspace Arrangement
Time:2021-12-03 Source:
Title:Resolution of the Product Ideal of a Subspace Arrangement
Speaker: Dr. Tsakiris Manolis(ShanghaiTech University)
Time&Venue: 2021.12.07 10:00am Tencent Meeting:787-756-901
Abstract: A subspace arrangement is a finite collection of subvector spaces of a finite-dimensional vector space.To this arrangement one can associate the product or the intersection of the vanishing ideals of the individual subspaces, and the two ideals are closely related.This talk will describe the irredundant primary decomposition and the graded minimal free resolution of the product ideal, in terms of a discrete polymatroid associated to the subspace arrangement.This is joint work with Aldo Conca.